
GE Healthcare Solutions Accelerated by Intel® oneAPI Toolkits, Intel Software

GE Healthcare Adopts oneAPI to Tackle Fragmentation

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  And add to the sitemap. [TW] 將24herbs.gq加入Google Search Console 並加入網站地圖。

Improve your site's performance in Google Search

Search Console tools and reports can help you measure your site's Google search traffic and performance, fix issues, and make your site stand out from the many Google search results [TW] 提升網站在 Google 搜尋中的成效 Search Console 的工具和報告可協助你衡量網站的 Google 搜尋流量和成效、修正問題,並讓你的網站從眾多 Google 搜尋結果中脫穎而出

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 [TW] 24herbs.gq網站的畫面

Intel and Microsoft Donate New I/O Virtualization Specification for the Hyperscale Era

New Open Compute Project specification is designed to make accelerators and I/O devices more scalable, efficient and cost-effective in modern virtualized data centers. Today, Intel contributed the Scalable I/O Virtualization (SIOV) specification to the Open Compute Project (OCP) with Microsoft, enabling device and platform manufacturers access to an industry standard specification for hyperscale virtualization of PCI Express and Compute Express Link devices in cloud servers. When adopted, SIOV architecture will enable data center operators to deliver more cost-effective access to high-performance accelerators and other key I/O devices for their customers, as well as relieve I/O device manufacturers of cost and programming burdens imposed under previous standards. The new SIOV specification is a modernized hardware and software architecture that enables efficient, mass-scale virtualization of I/O devices, and overcomes the scaling limitations of prior I/O virtualization technologies. Un